Rafael Prieto, Founder of Savvy Studio, Answers the DADA 5

Rafael Prieto is the founder and creative director of Savvy Studio, a branding and architecture design firm based in New York City and Mexico City. Savvy Studio's in-house artisanal chocolate brand, Casa Bosques Chocolates is defined every season by a collection of photos and poems, in collaboration with creatives in the field.

Rafael Prieto Answers the DADA 5

1. If you could have dinner with 5 people (alive, not alive, fictional) who would they be?
Marcel Duchamp, Bob Dylan, Louise Bourgeois, Laila Gohar, James Baldwin
2. Where would it be?
Laila Gohar's house
3. And what would be a symbol of a very good night?
Good wine, food and music. Controversial conversations, sensuality.
4. What's your go-to dinner party outfit?
5. What's your go-to make-at-home cocktail?
Yola Mezcal and seltzer.



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